
Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#5960 new enhancement

Display Cli command in plugins and themes page

Reported by: vijayhardaha's profile vijayhardaha Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Site Keywords: needs-design


As a developer, It will be helpful to display the cli Install command on the plugins and themes page with on click copy feature.

wp plugin install woocommerce

Right now, if the plugin name is short n easy we can type it but some plugin's names/slug is not simple so we open the plugin page then copy the plugin slug from the URL. it's not the ideal way for developers mostly.

it will be helpful to get a command to install section on the right sidebar that we can just copy with the copy button or by selecting and copy.

All the popular platforms provide this copied code and copy installation command feature these days.
It would be great if WordPress also provide this handy feature on-site.


Attachments (1)

Screenshot 2021-12-02 at 4.33.40 AM.png (153.0 KB) - added by vijayhardaha 3 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

#1 @tellyworth
3 years ago

Where would this appear in the page?

How would we deal with local variations in CLI environment? wp plugin install vs wp plugin install vs wp-env run "wp plugin install" etc?

#2 @tellyworth
3 years ago

  • Keywords needs-design added

#3 @vijayhardaha
3 years ago

I was hoping to do something like the above attachment, it doesn't need to be the exact same. but the original need is to get plugin/theme slug quickly from the theme/plugin page.

For example: on [Classic Widgets]( plugin page if I search for keyword classic-widgets I found 0 results. I cannot find the plugin/theme slug on the page in order to quickly install it via cli.

That's why I am thinking if we can have a section either with wp plugin install {{slug}} or we can just have {{slug}} only somewhere on-page that can be easily copied either with a simple copy button or with selecting the text and copying it with normal copy method from any device.

At the current time, If I have to get the theme/plugin slug I have to copy it from the URL which is not a good user experience from my personal point of view.

Let me know if this information helps.


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