Opened 3 years ago
Closed 7 months ago
#6003 closed defect (bug) (wontfix)
W3C CSS syntax for pseudo element in meta
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Milestone: | Priority: | lowest | |
Component: | | Keywords: | has-patch commit |
Cc: |
I have checking in meta sites, and moving in in that bb-base theme has found a pseudo element structure in style.css file.
on their for pseudo element like :after and :before single-colon syntax was used but this type of syntax was used in CSS1 and CSS2.
In latest CSS3 level we used double colon notation for pseudo element (::after and ::before).
Attachments (1)
Change History (3)
3 years ago
- Keywords commit added
- Priority changed from high to lowest
This isn't the only case where single-colons are used, is a good article about it - put simply, it doesn't matter if it's single or double really.
Since the work is done, no harm in committing it though.
7 months ago
- Resolution set to wontfix
- Status changed from new to closed
Thanks for the patch! Recently all BuddyPress site theme-related tickets on the BuddyPres Trac have been closed by the BuddyPress team per the theme redesign via BP#9193 that is in progress. Since this is a very minor change (that could otherwise be committed) and the theme will be completely rewritten, I'm going to close this as 'wontfix'. If the new theme does not adhere to the syntax recommended here, then feel free to open a ticket on the BuddyPress Trac at that time.
added patch for this ticket where i modify css