#6189 closed enhancement (worksforme)
Developer.w.org: Update Site Design for Developer News Blog
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Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Component: | Developer Hub | Keywords: | needs-design dev-feedback needs-patch close |
Cc: |
Description (last modified by )
List of enhancement envisioned:
- Wider content on page template (increase post content from 700+ to 900+) including handbook pages.
- Blog Landing page page with list of posts: Featured image, title, excerpt, post date und link. It might also help to have a separate content space to post Highlights directly to the landing page.
- Single Post template with right sidebar holding core widgets (Latest posts, Custom HTML, Categories, Archive, custom menu)
- Category pages/templates with category description displayed and a List of blog posts with title, featured image, excerpt, post date, and link. If possible in a multi-column display
- Section on Front page to show the latest posts and a highlight section.
My dream would be to use the new News theme. As is doesn't have any handbook features, yet, it might not be possible use it as part of the MVP.
wanted url: developer.wordpress.org/news
Background: Proposal to Start a News blog on developer.WordPress.org
Change History (3)
Note: See
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Big Thank you to Kelly Dawn-Choyce @ryelle for setting up the new site.