
Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#6191 closed feature request (wontfix)

Automatically prompt for review once a support ticket is resolved

Reported by: sarathgp's profile sarathgp Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Support Forums Keywords:


The idea is to automatically prompt for review once a support ticket is resolved. This will allow the plugin/theme authors to improve constantly. There should be also an option to exit from the review screen for the users who do not want to share their review

Change History (7)

#1 @tobifjellner
2 years ago

First a comment on the words used:
What we've got is a support forum with topics and threads. There are no tickets.

As a translator, I often create topics in order to inform a plugin/theme developer about some language issue with their code. Yes, I mark those topics as "Not a support question", but the representative of the developer still tends to click the button to "mark as resolved", which then would prompt me to file a review for something I never have used?

Or do you only want this when the original poster marks something as resolved? If I'd be automatically carried over to a review form every time I mark my topic as resolved, then I'd just stop marking my topics as resolved...

I think the current way of things actually works better: When/if a theme/plugin rep feels they've provided good value, they often add suggestion to leave a review. Using some text expander, this is easily accomplished.

#2 @sarathgp
2 years ago

Sorry for the words used. Actually, there is no need to prompt the form every time a topic is marked as resolved. If an author, already reviewed the plugin/theme there is no need to show the prompt again for the next topic he has created.

#3 @jdembowski
2 years ago

Tobi beat me to it about "tickets". Also this request should be rejected and closed. Do not prompt opensource collaborators (forum users) for anything. Especially a review.

These are 100% volunteer support forums and the theme/plugin developers putting their code for free, supporting that code for free are doing so out of the goodness of their hearts. Honest. That volunteer support also includes theme and plugin support.

The site is no one's market place. Anyone who thinks that is the case should remove their themes and plugins from the site.

No one should be using the site for harvesting reviews and that is what this trac ticket would encourage.

It is OK to ask for a review politely and non-obtrusively. That second part means do not put it into a signature in the forums. But having the forums do that automatically sends an incorrect message about the community support forums.

#4 @sterndata
2 years ago

It seems to me that this is an extension of what people don't like about the WP admin area -- more prompts for reviews that are seen as spam. I think prompting for reviews is not going to improve the plugin/theme review process.

#5 @sterndata
2 years ago

It should also be noted that the "not a support request", "support request", "resolved" dropdown is generally ignored and really doesn't serve any good purpose... IMHO, it should be replaced by a simple "resolved" checkbox. But that's another ticket. :-)

#6 @sarathgp
2 years ago

@jdembowski You are right, reviews should be given by heart and earned without any prompt. If it is possible let me know how can I close this ticket to ensure nobody gets encouraged to raise similar tickets in future.

#7 @tobifjellner
2 years ago

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from assigned to closed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.