
Opened 23 months ago

Last modified 23 months ago

#6683 new enhancement

Support forum block editor should support formatting multiple blocks and paste functionality

Reported by: bozzmedia's profile bozzmedia Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Support Forums Keywords:


It's difficult to work with multiple lines of text separated into blocks on the support forum. If I paste multiple lines (when pasting works) it is not possible to select those lines and format them as code for example. I would need to manually convert each block.

Pasting does not always seem to work when pasting from log files. Sometimes if I paste into a text editor and then paste into a post it will work but it is inconsistent. Did not run into this issue in the old forum post setup.

Please see:

Change History (2)

#1 @Otto42
23 months ago

Too often people paste large sections of text and don't format it correctly. If you are pasting a large amount of text, you should create a code block first, and paste your code into that.

Alternatively, you can turn off the block editor in your forum profile. If you prefer.

#2 @bozzmedia
23 months ago

I hear that, though that's not really my workflow and slows things down considerably. This reflects a broad issue with block editor to expect users to create one block at a time instead of bringing in their text and then formatting in the editor. I have been dogfooding block editor for the last few years and it has improved in this regard, though the forum implementation seems more limited which makes sense.

In my most recent instance I was pasting about 8 lines with line breaks that held relevant info. If the paste works it comes out much more sloppily without changing it to code.

I have switched the block editor off for me personally on the forums though I hope this UI tweak (allow style/block type changes to multiple blocks) and a technical fix (for pasting issues) will still be considered.

Last edited 23 months ago by bozzmedia (previous) (diff)
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