
Opened 20 months ago

Last modified 20 months ago

#6843 new feature request

Create field for tag input

Reported by: topher1kenobe's profile topher1kenobe Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Photo Directory Keywords:


Moderators are finding that it's very helpful when people suggest tags in the description field, but that tends to ruin good descriptions. We'd like a new field added to the form for people to add suggested tags, comma separated. These don't have to be automatically made into tags, they should simply be presented in the moderation interface as something that could be copy and pasted into the tags field.

Change History (3)

#1 @michelleames
20 months ago

Another helfpul field would be to input the location where the photo was taken. (Optional, as this isn't always relevant.)

#2 @topher1kenobe
20 months ago

I was thinking this should be in the tag field.

Beverage, bar, cocktail, grand rapids, mi, usa

#3 @michelleames
20 months ago

People don't think to add location as a tag, unprompted. I've seen a lot of things like "Goat Island" but not where Goat Island is. (Niagara, NY, for example)

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