
#6943 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add text to Plugin Approval email to inform authors they need to maintain access to the account email address

Reported by: jordesign's profile jordesign Owned by: dd32's profile dd32
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Plugin Directory Keywords:


In order to properly inform plugin authors of the need to maintain access to their account's associated email address - I propose we include some additional text in the current email that is sent when a Plugin is approved.

The purpose of this text would be to:

  • Inform the user this email address will be used for future correspondence, specifically regarding security vulnerabilities.
  • Inform the user they will receive notifications of new WP releases in order to prepare their plugin. They do not need to reply to these emails, but if the address is found to bounce - their plugin could be removed.

Change History (7)

#1 @jordesign
22 months ago

Existing text:

Congratulations, your plugin hosting request for [Plugin Name] has been approved.
Within one hour you will have access to your SVN repository with the username and password you used to log in and submit your request. Your username is case sensitive.
[plugin SVN URL]

Potential new text:

Congratulations, your plugin hosting request for [Plugin Name] has been approved.
Within one hour you will have access to your SVN repository with the username and password you used to log in and submit your request. Your username is case sensitive.
[plugin SVN URL]

The email address this notification was sent to will be used for future correspondence (including notification of security vulnerabilities) and it is important that it remains active.

We will also send notifications of upcoming WordPress releases prompting you to make sure your plugin is still compatible. There is no need to reply to these emails however, if the email bounces we may be required to remove your plugin from the repository.

#2 @Otto42
22 months ago

Correction: we don't send to that specific email address. We send to the email address on the account. You can change your email address, and then we'll start sending to that new one.

So, you need to make sure your account's email address is valid and working at all times.

#3 @Otto42
22 months ago

Addition: for plugins, it's important to us that it not be any email with any type of auto reply feature. It also should not be a shared email, like for support tickets or anything like that. Basically, the only people who should have committer access to a plugin are the actual developers that we can talk to about that plugin.

#4 @dd32
13 months ago

In 13127:

Plugin Directory: Add a new post-plugin-submission email, which references new features and reiterates expectations of the author.

This introduces two new email classes, to provide HTML emails, and Markdown emails.
A markdown email is converted into a HTML email, but makes it easier to write the template.

Note: This email is not yet active.

See #6943, #7384.

#5 follow-up: @tobifjellner
13 months ago

Could you change


#6 in reply to: ↑ 5 @paulkevan
13 months ago

Replying to tobifjellner:

Could you change


Fixed in

#7 @dd32
13 months ago

  • Owner set to dd32
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 13132:

Plugin Directory: Use the new post-plugin-submission email template.

See #7384.
Fixes #6943.

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