
Opened 18 months ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#7178 new enhancement

Enforce edit logging when modifying other users posts

Reported by: clorith's profile Clorith Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Support Forums Keywords:


Currently, when a post is edited, there is a checkbox toggle to allow the user to decide if they wish to log the edit or not, alongside an optional reason field. If no reason is supplied, but the box is ticked, there is still a timestamp and a mention of who edited the post.

To ensure accountability, let's look at removing the optional checkbox, always requiring the editing of a post to be logged (we can still keep the reason optional, if there's an obvious reason for the edit).

The exception to this would be when editing your own content. When doing so, the option to not log it should still be there, this would be directly related to acting on content generated by other users.

Change History (3)

#1 @fierevere
18 months ago

It would be nice to hide multiple edits under "spoiler" , sometimes edit history can become longer than post itself.

#2 @jdembowski
18 months ago

If this accountability could have an option to anonymize the moderator that made the change then that would be better.

There are times a moderator may need to edit a reply do to abuse and not volunteer to be the target for retribution for doing that. An example of this would be profanity.

Also if it is about accountability then there should be a log for when a user edits their own content.

#3 @tobifjellner
18 months ago

Spammers sometimes use the edit function to silently publish undesired content. So am edit log is good to have, publicly visible or not.

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