
#7431 closed enhancement (fixed)

Remove Support Thread pagination from top of the page.

Reported by: dufresnesteven's profile dufresnesteven Owned by: dufresnesteven's profile dufresnesteven
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Support Forums Keywords: has-patch dev-reviewed


When viewing a plugin's support threads, we show the pagination control on the top of the page above the table. This is visually distracting and I don't understand what use case this is catering to.

We should be focusing on providing the most relevant information in front of the user, the threads in the table. This undermines that goal by giving them a shortcut to go somewhere else.

Attachments (2)

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.25.30 AM.png (492.2 KB) - added by dufresnesteven 13 months ago.
7431.diff (47.6 KB) - added by dufresnesteven 13 months ago.
I agree, CSS appears to be the only way.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by dufresnesteven. View the logs.

13 months ago

#2 @bcworkz
13 months ago

I've no need for the top nav element in plugin support, however I use the same a lot in my own profile for accessing older topics I've participated in. It seems these topic lists are all based on the same template so if it goes away in plugin support it'd likely also go away elsewhere? We could simply hide the element with CSS so it doesn't clutter up areas where it's not desired while still remaining in other areas where it's useful. All without needing to change the underlying template.

#3 @dufresnesteven
13 months ago

Okay, thanks for that context. I'll look to filter it out of plugin/theme forums as the ideal first step.

13 months ago

I agree, CSS appears to be the only way.

#4 @dufresnesteven
13 months ago

I've added a patch that hides the top pagination using CSS for all the forums. It doesn't hide it for any tables within the profile as that uses a different CSS structure. I'll do more testing before merging.

#6 @renyot
13 months ago

  • Keywords has-patch dev-reviewed added
  • Type changed from defect (bug) to enhancement

#7 @dufresnesteven
12 months ago

  • Owner set to dufresnesteven
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 13178:

Support: Remove top pagination from threads, excluding profile view.

Props: bcworkz, renyot.

Closes: #7431

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