
Opened 10 months ago

Last modified 10 months ago

#7576 new enhancement

Plugin/Theme Developer badges should be persistent

Reported by: dd32's profile dd32 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Profiles Keywords:


Currently Plugin & Theme developer badges are "dynamic", they only exist on a profile when they are currently a plugin/theme developer.

When they have no plugins/themes in the directory those badges cease to be listed.

This is not the same as every other badge, which are granted once a user contributes to something - ie Core Contributor remains, even if you've only ever has a singular props 10 years ago.

Unlike in the past, we now have API's which can be used to add a badge from the other environments, so there's little need to have it as a separate item IMHO.

Change History (5)

#1 @afragen
10 months ago

I think that once having a plugin in the directory should grant you the badge.

Perhaps it’s worthwhile to have 2 badges. One for plugins currently in the directory and one for historical achievement of having an plugin in the directory?

#2 @tobifjellner
10 months ago

historical achievement of having an plugin in the directory?

This would be great also for "Past Translation Editors"

#3 @dd32
10 months ago

currently in the directory and one for historical achievement

Interesting approach; as noted, it would be great for Translation editors too.

Perhaps it's something that needs to be considered for all teams as having a "Past" state; that would be best done as part of a redesign work though. I would likely require some changes to how we store the data in BuddyPress.

Here's an example of me trying opacity:0.3; filter:grayscale(1): which is not exactly great :)

#4 @dd32
10 months ago

For Core; the way it's been thought of in the past was to have special Version-specific badges, ie. 6.5 Contributor or to list Core Contributor: 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, ... but that has never been progressed past "it would be cool if..."

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by courtneyengle. View the logs.

10 months ago

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