
Opened 8 months ago

Closed 8 months ago

Last modified 5 months ago

#7674 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

New Trac text line-height hinders readability

Reported by: ironprogrammer's profile ironprogrammer Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Trac Keywords:


The text line-height in Trac recently increased to 1.875 (I'm not sure when). For my eyes, this makes it harder to read, as the separation of lines and blocks of text are so similar.

After a little spelunking, in, this value is set to 1.4 (that inline comment isn't mine, but I agree wholeheartedly! 😂):

body, th, tr {
        line-height: 1.4; /* I don't know how you people read without this */

But this value is being overridden by inline CSS:

:root :where(body) {
        line-height: var(--wp--custom--body--typography--line-height);


--wp--custom--body--typography--line-height: 1.875;

This affects all of the text in Trac (including headers and footers), and I feel that override should be isolated to the site chrome that needs it (if any), and letting the previous wp-trac.css setting do its thing. I've personally used `1.5` line-height for the majority of agency work I've been involved with, which could be a compromise if increasing the line-height here was intentional.

Visual Example

line-height: 1.875 🔴 line-height: 1.4 🟢

Change History (6)

#1 @azaozz
8 months ago

this makes it harder to read

Same here. This seems to be an accident rather than intended, just not sure how easy it would be to fix (unsure if that body class should be/can be removed).

#2 @dd32
8 months ago

In 13817:

Trac: Update Templates. See #7674.

#3 @dd32
8 months ago

In 13818:

Trac: Force line-height back to 1.4.

See #7674.

#4 @dd32
8 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

I'm not sure when it changed, but it was in the last week, as I too noticed it (but hadn't dug into it, thinking I broke something just for me - figuring that someone would make a ticket like this if it affected others...)

Looking at the template diffs, I don't see when it was pulled in, and looking at the GitHub logs for the header styles, I can't find anything that's not years ago that would affect it..

The above changeset seems to have fixed it for me, but Trac caches it's templates, so it might be a few hours before each Trac instance updates (and even then, each Trac thread has it's own cache.. so it might flip back and forth a bit).

#5 @ironprogrammer
8 months ago

Yay, thanks, @dd32! I already see it here in Meta Trac.

This fix has also resolved the .time-ago alignment:

#6 @dd32
5 months ago

In 14028:

Trac: Set a specific 12px font-size to avoid Safari rounding issues with 11.9px font sizes.

Props ironprogrammer, dd32.
See #7674.
Fixes #7766.

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