
Opened 2 months ago

Closed 2 months ago

#7839 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)

I visited one of the profiles, and it displayed the polyglot badge, but the profile history doesn’t show any translation activity.

Reported by: zeelthakkar's profile zeelthakkar Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Profiles Keywords: has-screenshots


However, upon checking the profile's activity history, there is no visible translation-related activity or contributions listed.

Attachments (2)

Google Chrome - Arpit G Shah (@arpitgshah) – WordPress user profile - 2024-11-30 at 3.01.07 PM.png (258.6 KB) - added by zeelthakkar 2 months ago.
checking the profile's activity history, there is no visible translation-related activity or contributions listed.
Google Chrome - Sumit Singh (@sumitsingh) – WordPress user profile - 2024-11-30 at 3.19.53 PM.png (324.8 KB) - added by zeelthakkar 2 months ago.
Here is the correct translation history as per the attached bug.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

2 months ago

checking the profile's activity history, there is no visible translation-related activity or contributions listed.

#1 @dd32
2 months ago

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

Hi @zeelthakkar,

Not all profiles will have the Translation activity activity items, when they have the Badge.

The badge adding pre-dated the activity entries, and it didn't make sense to backfill 10 years of translation contributions into profiles.

However, in this case, the Translations sidebar entry actually shows the projects that the user has elevated access to. If you click it you'll see that it shows GTE/TE status for translation projects. It doesn't filter the list on the right to translation-specific items.

Additionally; on the user shown, two items below where the screenshot is cut off you'll see Translated 1 string on

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