
Opened 7 weeks ago

Closed 5 weeks ago

Last modified 5 weeks ago

#7866 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Strings from WordPress and Gutenberg `theme.json` not extracted

Reported by: oandregal's profile oandregal Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Translate Site & Plugins Keywords: has-patch


The theme.json files bundled by WordPress (wp-includes/theme.json) and Gutenberg (lib/theme.json) contain strings that are displayed in wp-admin (block editor, site editor, etc.). These strings haven't been extracted for a while and are not available for translation in

While originally present for WordPress 5.8 and being available in as far as December 3rd, 2021 they stopped being extracted at some point later. Asking meta folks for database logs, they confirmed these strings were marked as "obsolete" (hence, stopped being available in GlotPress) in December 16th, 2021. This probably happened in preparation for the 5.8.3 minor release.

The reason for this was an issue with the i18n-command, see details. The issue has been fixed as of this patch, to be merged soon.

Next steps:

  • update the i18n-command in use by meta
  • figure out if Make_Core_Pot needs any changes (related)
  • trigger the string extraction process for all releases starting in WordPress 5.8

Change History (10)

#1 @oandregal
7 weeks ago

cc @swissspidy @ocean90 @amieiro

I can help testing and identifying any changes to Make_Core_Pot next week (but not the last of the year), though I don't have access to any meta sandbox/setup/etc.

#2 @oandregal
7 weeks ago

This was discovered by being raised in Gutenberg in this ticket. There's a related issue that prevents some aspect ratio strings from being translatable but that's separate from meta and it's been addressed in this PR and will have the corresponding wordpress-develop PR soon.

Last edited 7 weeks ago by oandregal (previous) (diff)

#3 @dd32
7 weeks ago

Once merged, a custom wp cli will likely need to be built for deploy to wporg, as far as I can tell, updating wp-cli to one including the i18n patch will resolve it?

#4 @swissspidy
7 weeks ago

Correct. WP-CLI was updated now, see

So this can be closed as fixed

#5 @oandregal
7 weeks ago

I've searched for "theme.json" in every WordPress version from 5.8 to 6.7 and strings are present now. Thanks for the quick fix!

There's still one catch: the same search for the Gutenberg plugin doesn't return the strings.

#6 @oandregal
7 weeks ago

Talking to @ocean90 he mentioned Gutenberg will be fixed when it's released. Let's keep this ticket open until then.

#7 @dd32
5 weeks ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Ran an import for Gutenberg; theme.json strings are showing up there now.

#8 @oandregal
5 weeks ago

@dd32 would you be able to provide a URL where they are available? I don't see them yet.

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