
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#1515 closed enhancement (worksforme)

Adding more info in the email sent after theme is submitted

Reported by: rabmalin's profile rabmalin Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Theme Review Keywords: has-patch close


When theme is submitted, email is sent which contains minimal information. We can add some additional info so that it could help author himself/herself can check their theme against the guideline. May be it will help making theme approval faster.

  • Theme review guideline link long with review process
  • Encourage to contribute by reviewing

Currently it is like

Thank you for uploading THEME_NAME to the WordPress Theme Directory. If your theme is selected to be part of the directory we'll send a follow up email.

Feedback will be provided at TICKET_LINK

Attachments (1)

1515.diff (3.7 KB) - added by rabmalin 8 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (43)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by rabmalin. View the logs.

9 years ago

#2 @rabmalin
9 years ago

I have written some points that could be added in the message. Pardon me for mistakes in language. (Confession of non-English :D )

<h2>Review process</h2>
		Want to know about Theme Review Process? See this <a href="">link</a>.
	<li>You theme will be reviewed against <a href="">Theme Review Guideline</a>
	<li>Required points should be resolved to make theme approved. <a href="">Recommended</a> points includes best practices in WordPress theme development and theme will not be rejected on the base of Recommended.</li>
	<li>Your theme will have to wait for your turn for review. You can check this <a href="">link</a> to find out your theme's position in the queue. </li>
<h2>Reviewer is assigned to your theme</h2>
	<li>Reviewer will post comment in the ticket. You would to fix those issues and re-upload your theme. You should re-upload your theme from <a href="">here</a>.</li>
	<li>This step will iterate until all issues have been fixed.</li>
	<li>You should re-upload your theme within 7 days. If there is no response for 7 days, ticket will be closed as not-approved. If you need more time to update then you should mention it in the ticket.</li>
	<li>If there is no review comments by reviewer for more thatn 7 days, you can ask admin in Slack for putting back your theme in NEW queue. See this <a href="">link</a> to register in Slack. Channel is <strong>#themereview</strong></li>
<h2>Your theme is approved</h2>
	<li>After reviewer completes the review and approve your theme, admin will again review it. Only after admin approval your theme will be live. You can check this <a href="">link</a> to find out your theme position in the approved queue.</li>
<h2>You want to be a theme reviewer?</h2>
	<li>Great. The team is open to anyone and you can easily get started. <a href="">Become a reviewer</a></li>

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by rabmalin. View the logs.

9 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by rabmalin. View the logs.

9 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by rabmalin. View the logs.

9 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by poena. View the logs.

9 years ago

#7 @kkoppenhaver
9 years ago

Here's my pass at it. Used much of @rabmalin's original content, but also added some. Feedback welcome.

The WordPress Theme Review Process

If you want to know about Theme Review Process in detail, see this link

Theme Review Queue

Your theme is now in the Theme Review queue waiting to be reviewed by a member of the Theme Review Team. You can check your status in the queue at any time by following this link.

Your Theme Gets a Reviewer

Once your theme gets to the top of the queue, it will be assigned to the next available reviewer. This reviewer will ensure that your theme is ready to go into the theme repository. Your theme will be checked against the Theme Review Guidelines and at the very least, your theme will need to satisfy all the required theme checks.

In addition, there are also recommend points that include best practices in WordPress theme development. Your theme will not be rejected if it does not meet all of these requirements, but they do represent best practices that should be followed if possible.

Once a reviewer has had a chance to take a look at your theme, they will post a comment on the ticket indicating any changes that need to be made based on their review. For the review to move forward, you will need to fix those issues and re-upload your theme. You will continue collaborating with the reviewer in this way until all issues are resolved.

Once you are assigned a reviewer, it's important to stay active on the ticket. If the reviewer does not hear from you within 7 days, the ticket will be closed as not-approved. If you need more time to make updates, you should let the reviewer know on the ticket.

Likewise, if you don't hear from the reviewer for more than 7 days, you can ask an admin in Slack to put your theme back into the queue. See this link to register in Slack and make a post in the #themereview channel.

Your Theme is Approved

When the reviewer approves your theme, it will be sent to an admin for final review. You can view your position in the admin queue here. After approval by an admin, your theme will then be allowed in the theme repository.

Want to Get Involved?

We frequently get asked "Why does it take 3 to 6 months to get a theme approved?" The simple answer is that there are many more themes submitted than there are reviewers to review them. You can help to reduce this time by making sure you review all the required and recommended checks before submitting your theme. In addition, if you want to become a reviewer, the Theme Review Team is open to anyone and you can easily get started.


If you have questions throughout the review process, you can ask the reviewer on the ticket or join us in Slack and ask in the #themereview channel.

The WordPress Theme Review Team

#8 @grapplerulrich
9 years ago

@kkoppenhaver - Thank you for the next version. A few points of feedback

  • I find the text too long. We need to make it shorter. We can link to another page which explains the process in more detail.
  • It would be better to replace "see this link", "this link" & "here" with a better title. e.g. "Theme Review Process", "review queue", "join the WordPress Slack" & "admin queue"
  • If we write it is either all small or with capital W & P
  • I would replace "3 to 6 months" with "x time" or even change the paragraph to make it shorter:

    The theme reviews are done by volunteers. You can help speed up the process by joining the Theme Review Team and doing reviews yourself.

#9 @kkoppenhaver
9 years ago

Good points. Revised below.

The WordPress Theme Review Process

If you want to know about Theme Review Process in detail, see the Theme Review Handbook

Theme Review Queue

Your theme is now in the Theme Review queue waiting to be reviewed by a member of the Theme Review Team. You can check your status in the queue at any time..

Your Theme Gets a Reviewer

Once your theme gets to the top of the queue, it will be assigned to the next available reviewer. Your theme will be checked against the Theme Review Guidelines and at the very least, your theme will need to satisfy all the required theme checks.

Throughout the process, reviewers will post comments on the ticket indicating changes that need to be made. You will need to fix those issues and re-upload your theme. You and the reviewer will collaborate in this way until all issues are resolved.

Once your theme is being reviewed, it's important to stay active on the ticket. If you need more than 7 days to make updates, you should let the reviewer know on the ticket, otherwise the ticket will be closed as not-approved.

Your Theme is Approved

When the reviewer approves your theme, it will be sent to an admin for final review. You can view your position in the admin queue at any time. After approval by an admin, your theme will then be allowed in the theme repository.

Want to Get Involved?

Theme reviews are done by volunteers. You can help speed up the process by joining the Theme Review Team and doing some reviews yourself.


If you have questions throughout the review process, you can ask the reviewer on the ticket or join us in Slack and ask in the #themereview channel.

The WordPress Theme Review Team

#10 @poena
9 years ago

I’m sorry if I sound negative, but I feel that authors are required to read the guidelines before submitting a theme.
The first part of the text makes it sound like reading the guidelines is optional.

Thank you for uploading THEME_NAME to the WordPress Theme Directory.

The WordPress Theme Review Process
Your theme is now in the Theme Review queue. You can check your status in the queue at any time.
Once your theme reaches the top of the queue, it will be assigned to the next available reviewer.
You will be notified by e-mail when the review starts.

Your theme will be checked against the Theme Review Guidelines and it needs to pass all the requirements to be included in the Theme Directory.
Throughout the process, the reviewer will post comments on the ticket indicating changes that needs to be made. You will need to fix those issues and re-upload your theme via the upload page. You and the reviewer will collaborate in this way until all issues are resolved.

During the review, it's important to stay active in the ticket. If you need more than 7 days to make updates, you should let the reviewer know, otherwise the ticket may be closed as not-approved.

When the reviewer approves your theme, it will be sent to an admin for a final review.
You can also view your position in the admin queue.
After approval by an admin, your theme will be published in the Theme Directory.

Want to Get Involved?
Theme reviews are done by volunteers. You can help speed up the process by joining the Theme Review Team.

If you have questions you can ask the reviewer in the ticket or join us on Slack and ask in the #themereview channel.

The WordPress Theme Review Team

#11 @kkoppenhaver
9 years ago

Looks good to me. I like how you tightened up the copy a bit and removed that ambiguity.

#12 follow-up: @rabmalin
9 years ago

It seems current mail format is text/plain. But our new content should support some HTML. Or would it worth changing mail format for this single email?

#13 in reply to: ↑ 12 @dd32
9 years ago

Replying to rabmalin:

It seems current mail format is text/plain. But our new content should support some HTML. Or would it worth changing mail format for this single email?

You should really have a text/plain fallback with any text/html email (although not everyone does). Until WordPress supports nicer HTML emails, perhaps you can reword it not to use <a href> links and instead just use inline links?

#14 @rabmalin
9 years ago

@poena up for rewording and keeping inline links only? :-)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by poena. View the logs.

8 years ago

8 years ago

#16 @rabmalin
8 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

Patch added.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by rabmalin. View the logs.

8 years ago

#18 @grapplerulrich
8 years ago

Thank you @rabmalin for working on this again. As it is plain text I feel it should be shorter so that people read it. I made a few changes. See the screenshot below how it would look like in the email.

#19 @poena
8 years ago

There needs to be some information on how to update the theme, since it is not obvious to first time authors. It is one of the most common questions.

#20 @grapplerulrich
8 years ago

Good idea. Here is the latest text.

Thank you for uploading %1$s to the WordPress Theme Directory. A ticket has been created for the review:

** Requirements **
The theme must pass all the requirements to be included in the Theme Directory. The ticket will be closed if five or more errors are found.

** Review Process **
To understand the review process better read the summary in our handbook:

** Update **
You can update your theme any time and it will get added to the ticket. You can do so by uploading the new zip file.

** Help! **
You can help speed up the process by making sure that your theme follows all of the requirements, but also by becoming a reviewer.

** Questions? **
If you have questions you can ask the reviewer in the ticket or chat with us on Slack in the #themereview channel. <>

Subscribe to the blog to stay up to date with the latest requirements and the ongoing work to improve the review process:

Thank you.
The WordPress Theme Review Team

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by grapplerulrich. View the logs.

8 years ago

#22 @joedolson
8 years ago

Is it possible to add a note about the accessibility-ready process *if* the theme carries the accessibility-ready tag?

#23 @grapplerulrich
8 years ago

We could use in_array( 'accessibility-ready', $this->theme->get( 'Tags' ) ) to check if the theme is using the a11y-ready tag before adding the extra text.

#24 @joedolson
8 years ago

Example text:

** Accessibility Ready **
Thanks for submitting an accessibility ready theme! Themes with the accessibility ready tag will go through a secondary review process to meet accessibility guidelines. Please review the guidelines in our handbook: <>

#25 @grapplerulrich
8 years ago

Latest text. The a11y ready text needs to be wrapped in a conditional. in_array( 'accessibility-ready', $this->theme->get( 'Tags' ) )

Thank you for uploading %1$s to the WordPress Theme Directory. A ticket has been created for the review:

** Requirements **
The theme must pass all the requirements to be included in the Theme Directory. The ticket will be closed if five or more errors are found.

** Accessibility Ready **
Thanks for submitting an accessibility ready theme! Themes with the accessibility ready tag will go through a secondary review process to meet accessibility guidelines. Please review the guidelines in our handbook: <>

** Review Process **
To understand the review process, read the summary in our handbook:

** Update **
You can update your theme any time and it will get added to the ticket. You can do so by bumping up your theme's version number and uploading a new ZIP file.

** Help! **
You can help speed up the process by making sure that your theme follows all of the requirements. You can also help by becoming a reviewer.

** Questions? **
If you have questions you can ask the reviewer in the ticket or chat with us on Slack in the #themereview channel. <>

Subscribe to the blog to stay up to date with the latest requirements and the ongoing work to improve the review process:

Thank you.
The WordPress Theme Review Team

#26 @dd32
8 years ago

For translation purposes, could we keep to a single email without branching?

For example, without branching and slotting the accessibility in under the review section

Thank you for uploading %1$s to the WordPress Theme Directory. A ticket has been created for the review:

** Requirements **
The theme must pass all the requirements to be included in the Theme Directory. The ticket will be closed if five or more errors are found.

** Review Process **
To understand the review process, read the summary in our handbook:

** Accessibility Ready **
If you've submitted a theme with the accessibility ready tag, it will go through a secondary review process to meet accessibility guidelines.
Please review the guidelines in our handbook:

** Theme Updates **
You can update your theme any time and it will be added to the ticket. You can do so by bumping up your theme's version number and uploading a new ZIP file.

** Help! **
You can help speed up the process by making sure that your theme follows all of the requirements. You can also help by becoming a reviewer.

** Questions? **
If you have questions you can ask the reviewer in the ticket or chat with us on Slack in the #themereview channel. <>

Subscribe to the Theme Review blog to stay up to date with the latest requirements and the ongoing work to improve the review process:

Thank you.
The WordPress Theme Review Team

For reference, a diff from comment #25:

#27 @juhise
8 years ago

I just made minor updates in text.

Thank you for uploading %1$s to the WordPress Theme Directory. A ticket has been created for the review:

** Requirements **
The theme must pass all the requirements to be included in the Theme Directory. The ticket will be closed if five or more different errors are found.

** Review Process **
To understand the review process, read the summary in our handbook:

** Accessibility Ready **
If you've submitted a theme with the accessibility ready tag, it will go through a secondary review process to meet accessibility guidelines.
Please review the guidelines in our handbook:

** Theme Updates **
You can update your theme any time and it will be added to the ticket. You can do so by bumping up your theme's version number in your style.css and uploading a new ZIP file.

** Help! **
You can help speed up the process by making sure that your theme follows all of the requirements. You can also help by becoming a reviewer.

** Questions? **
If you have questions you can ask the reviewer in the ticket or chat with us on Slack in the #themereview channel. <>

Subscribe to the Theme Review blog to stay up to date with the latest requirements and the ongoing work to improve the review process:

Thank you.
The WordPress Theme Review Team

Here diff can be seen

#28 @poena
8 years ago

Perhaps the Help! is not appropriate, it is a headline people would look for when they need help, not when they want to learn how to contribute.

#29 @grapplerulrich
8 years ago

Ok, I think we are nearly there. I change the title from help to contribute. I think we can include the a11y text in all emails and improve on it again in the future.

Thank you for uploading %1$s to the WordPress Theme Directory. A ticket has been created for the review:

** Requirements **
The theme must pass all the requirements to be included in the Theme Directory. The ticket will be closed if five or more different errors are found.

** Review Process **
To understand the review process, read the summary in our handbook:

** Accessibility Ready **
If you've submitted a theme with the accessibility ready tag, it will go through a secondary review process to meet accessibility guidelines.
Please review the guidelines in our handbook:

** Theme Updates **
You can update your theme any time and it will be added to the ticket. You can do so by bumping up your theme's version number in your style.css and uploading a new ZIP file.

** Contribute! **
You can help speed up the process by making sure that your theme follows all of the requirements. You can also help by becoming a reviewer.

** Questions? **
If you have questions you can ask the reviewer in the ticket or chat with us on Slack in the #themereview channel. <>

Subscribe to the Theme Review blog to stay up to date with the latest requirements and the ongoing work to improve the review process:

Thank you.
The WordPress Theme Review Team

#30 @dd32
8 years ago

In 4561:

Theme Directory: Update the post-submit-theme email with more details of what Theme Authors should expect.

Props grapplerulrich, rabmalin, kkoppenhaver, poena, joedolson, juhise, dd32.
See #1515.

#31 follow-up: @dd32
8 years ago

I've gone ahead and updated the version currently sent out, as this looks pretty good to me, and it's been a week without other alterations.

I'm leaving this ticket open in the short term as it appears there may still be some small tweaks that others may want to be made.
For reference, here's what it looks like in gmail:

Last edited 8 years ago by dd32 (previous) (diff)

#32 in reply to: ↑ 31 @samuelsidler
8 years ago

Replying to dd32:

I'm leaving this ticket open in the short term as it appears there may still be some small tweaks that others may want to be made.
For reference, here's what it looks like in gmail:

Yeah... That doesn't look amazing. I'm assuming it's too much of a pain to send an HTML email, but maybe we can play around with formatting a bit more. I think == might be better than **, for example. And putting the URLs at the end of each paragraph (but still part of them) could be beneficial, depending on screen size.

#33 @grapplerulrich
8 years ago

I think == might be better than **

I don't mind either way. We can try the == or even ##

And putting the URLs at the end of each paragraph (but still part of them) could be beneficial, depending on screen size.

I prefer it this way more.

One thing I did see was having the a11y text all in one paragraph.

In the snippets above there were two lines of space between the paragraph. I feel that help would add a bit more white space.

#34 @dd32
8 years ago

I'm assuming it's too much of a pain to send an HTML email

We could do a once-off for this if someone wants to write up a patch for it, but a text-only fallback would still be needed.

The double paragraph spacing was causing a bit of weirdness for me, but I can't recall what the actual problem was. Forcing that is easy enough though.
What's the consensus for the rest? Links inline, use some other format for headings?

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by rabmalin. View the logs.

8 years ago

#36 @dingo_bastard
8 years ago

Did anybody tried to add * around the headings (instead of ** Requirements ** just *Requirements*)? I've read that some email clients can interpret that as bold (and _ as underline). Also I'd remove <> around the links, looks odd to me. Plain links are fine.

Just my 2 cents :)

#37 @tellyworth
6 years ago

  • Milestone set to Q1

#38 @tellyworth
6 years ago

  • Keywords close added

Is there anything more actionable here? If not I'd suggest we close this ticket and any new items can go in a new ticket.

#39 @dingo_d
6 years ago

Has this been implemented? I'm not sure there was much discussion around this.

Last edited 6 years ago by dingo_d (previous) (diff)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by dingo_d. View the logs.

6 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by dingo_d. View the logs.

5 years ago

#42 @dingo_d
5 years ago

  • Milestone Q1 deleted
  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

We (TRT) agreed that we'll open a new ticket with a new addition for the ticket queue and where the authors can check their theme position in it.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.