
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#3058 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)

Missing commits from the bbPress Git mirror

Reported by: netweb's profile netweb Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Version Control Keywords:


The bbPress Git mirror at is currently missing 655 commits

I've not been able to identify any specific commits that are missing that would aid discovering any pattern to reveal a possible cause of this issue.

The following table shows the number of commits per user missing from the Git repo compared to the SVN repo

Author username SVN Root Git Missing Git commit count
John James Jacoby johnjamesjacoby 3491 3208 -283
Michael Adams mdawaffe 1162 1042 -120
Sam Bauers sambauers 1085 893 -192
Stephen Edgar netweb 576 557 -19
Matt Mullenweg matt 150 149 -1
Chris Hajer chrishajer 67 67 0
Alex Concha xknown 26 -26
bumpbot bumpbot 21 21 0
Ryan Boren ryan 16 15 -1
Andrew Nacin nacin 13 1 -12
Jennifer M. Dodd jmdodd 12 12 0
Pete Mall PeteMall 11 11 0
Potter_System Potter_System 7 7 0
Sergey Biryukov SergeyBiryukov 5 5 0
Austin Matzko filosofo 3 3 0
Peter Westwood westi 1 -1
Barry barry 1 1 0
Total 6647 5992 -655

The above calculations were calculated using the following methods:

SVN commits:

  • Repo:
  • Command: svn log -v --xml | grep '<author.*/author>' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn (Ran from the root of the repo)
  • Total number of commits reported: 6647 Git repo commits:

  • Repo: git://
  • Command: git shortlog -s
  • Total number of commits reported: 5992

GitHub Git repo commits:

  • Repo:
  • Command: git shortlog -s
  • Total number of commits reported: 5992


  • The SVN repo at the time of creating this issue was at revision r6650

Change History (2)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #bbpress by netweb. View the logs.

8 years ago

#2 @dd32
3 years ago

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

Went to take a look if this is still an issue.. it is, but it's not.

Some "null commits" such as don't show up in git because well.. they can't.. there's nothing there.

But the original command here only covered commits to trunk rather than to branches.


$ git remote -v
origin	git:// (fetch)
origin	git:// (push)

$ git shortlog -s | cut -f1 | paste -s -d+ - | bc

$ git shortlog -s --all | cut -f1 | paste -s -d+ - | bc

$ svn log --limit 1 | grep ^r
r7229 | johnjamesjacoby | 2021-11-29 15:28:59 +0000 (Mon, 29 Nov 2021) | 3 lines

So based on that, there's MORE commits to Git than to SVN.. which is probably due to commits to multiple branches in SVN being multiple commits in git?

Which is confirmed by:

$ git log --all 2>&1 | grep 'git-svn-id' | cut -d: -f2-3 | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'@' -f2 | sort | uniq -c | sort  | tail -n10
      2 1790
      2 1900
      2 1901
      2 5446
      2 5611
      2 5970
      2 5990
      2 6825
      3 5698
      5 5690 is referenced by 5 Git commits, as it touched 5 different git branches.

Closing as worksforme. Re-open if you can point to a missing commit.

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