
Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#3144 closed enhancement (fixed)

Sort locales in WordPress Translate Slack app notifications in alphabetical order

Reported by: sergeybiryukov's profile SergeyBiryukov Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) Keywords:


When new packages or language packs are built, a notification is sent to the #polyglots channel:

New packages are available:
57 release packages for 4.8.2 were built: af, pt_PT_ao90, pl_PL, pt_PT, fr_CA, fr_BE, fr_FR, fi, ro_RO, de_DE, eo, en_GB, en_NZ, en_CA, en_AU, gl_ES, de_DE_formal, he_IL, lt_LT, kab, it_IT, id_ID, hi_IN, ne_NP, de_CH, nb_NO, nn_NO, gu, oci, el, de_CH_informal, ru_RU, ko_KR, nl_NL_formal, bg_BG, vi, ar, es_VE, uz_UZ, ur, uk, eu, nl_BE, sv_SE, pt_BR, es_MX, bel, es_ES, zh_HK, hr, ca, sk_SK, sl_SI, nl_NL, da_DK, es_AR, and es_CO
63 language packs for 4.8.2 were updated: af, pt_PT_ao90, pl_PL, pt_PT, fr_CA, fr_BE, fr_FR, fi, ro_RO, de_DE, eo, en_GB, en_NZ, en_CA, en_AU, gl_ES, de_DE_formal, sr_RS, he_IL, lt_LT, kab, ja, it_IT, id_ID, hi_IN, ne_NP, de_CH, nb_NO, nn_NO, gu, oci, el, de_CH_informal, ru_RU, ko_KR, nl_NL_formal, bg_BG, cy, vi, ar, es_VE, uz_UZ, ur, uk, tr_TR, eu, nl_BE, sv_SE, pt_BR, es_MX, bel, es_ES, zh_HK, hr, ca, zh_TW, sk_SK, sl_SI, nl_NL, da_DK, zh_CN, es_AR, and es_CO

The locales are listed in a random order, so it can take a couple of minutes to make sure your locale is in the list.

Any chance to sort the locales in these notifications in alphabetical order for easier scanning?

Change History (1)

#1 @ocean90
7 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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