
Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#4388 closed enhancement (fixed)

Move Gutenberg Dev Handbook to DevHub

Reported by: kenshino's profile Kenshino Owned by: coffee2code's profile coffee2code
Milestone: Priority: high
Component: Developer Hub Keywords:


As a follow up to

We've agreed with the Gutenberg team that the current Dev handbook at

needs to be moved to

The Gutenberg team would like the GitHub -> WordPress syndication intact.

So we're hoping for it to be moved to the appropriate spot with the handbook CPT created for the block editor.

I'm happy to create the CPT patch but not sure how we intent for the GitHub -> WordPress syndication to be setup

Change History (28)

#1 @Kenshino
6 years ago

So I was told this by @rmccue

they’re using the markdown-sync plugin already I think, which was originally built for the REST API handbook
So should all basically just work, just need to port the configuration code for their uses across

#2 @DrewAPicture
6 years ago

/cc @coffee2code

#3 @coffee2code
6 years ago

  • Owner set to coffee2code
  • Status changed from new to accepted

#4 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8689:

Developer: Import Block Editor handbook from GitHub.

Currenly only accessible to logged in users.

See #4388.

#5 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8690:

Developer: Also load Block Editor importer if running cron.

See #4388.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #docs by kenshino. View the logs.

6 years ago

#7 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8718:

Developer: Don't modify the markdown_source meta field value for the Block Editor handbook when running in WP-CLI.

See #4388.

#8 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8720:

Markdown Importer: Add automatic handling to recognize changes to parenting of manifest items.

Can adapt to newly added, removed, or changed parent.

See #4388.

#9 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8721:

Developer: Change Block Editor manifest URL to a temporary manifest with a DevHub-specific hierarchy.

Props chrisvanpatten.
See #4388.

#10 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8725:

Developer: Don't modify the markdown_source meta field value for the Block Editor handbook when running during cron.

See #4388.

#11 @ocean90
6 years ago

#4444 was marked as a duplicate.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta-devhub by nosolosw. View the logs.

6 years ago

#13 @oandregal
6 years ago

For reference, we're working with the manifest in this PullRequest (not yet shipped in Gutenberg):

Wanted to have a more consolidated list of remaining tasks as per the Slack conversation in

#14 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8765:

Developer: Disable table of contents (aka "Topics") for the Block Editor handbook.

See #4388.

#15 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8775:

Gutenberg theme: Disable syncing of handbook.

The handbook is being migrated to DevHub. Until that completes and this handbook redirects over, there will be no updates to the source content so updates are unnecessary.

See #4388.

#16 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8776:

Markdown Importer: Support relative paths for per-page markdown source.

The markdown_source values defined in manifests can continue to be fully qualified URLs, but now they can alternatively also be paths relative to the URL path for the manifest file. Parent path notation can be used (e.g. "../"), but attempts to refer to higher level paths (e.g. "../../") will not be honored beyond the parent.

Fixes #4244.
See #4388.

#17 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8782:

Developer: Fix unwarranted HTML entity encoding within code shortcodes of Block Editor handbook pages.

See #4388.

#18 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8783:

Markdown Importer: Update 'menu_order' value when updating an imported page from its source.

See #4388.

#19 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8786:

Markdown Importer: Update manifest-provided page fields if they've changed but the page's source content hasn't changed.

In cases where a 304 response indicates the source for an imported page hasn't changed since the last fetch, the manifest itself may have been updated with new page-related field values. These currently include menu_order, post_parent, and post_title. Ensure these page attributes get updated.

See #4388.

#20 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8787:

Markdown Importer: Don't delete the first line of content when looking to extract an excerpt.

See #4388.

#21 @dd32
6 years ago

In 8788:

Markdown Importer: Wrap a WP_CLI call with a class_exists, causing the job to fail.

See [8786].
See #4388.

#22 @coffee2code
6 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch 2nd-opinion removed

As of now, all of the tasks and issues from @nosolosw's comment have been addressed.

The current status was discussed in today's #docs team chat.

@chrisvanpatten wrote up a list of next steps:

  1. we'll get that branch merged so the manifest can come from master (@nosolosw / @chrisvanpatten)
  2. handbook is rebuilt, and presumably goes live after a final sanity check, temporarily there are two handbooks
  3. redirects get enabled (@coffee2code)
  4. some indeterminate testing period just to make sure we're all happy, updates are successful, etc.
  5. handbook gets updated to point to wp/{version} branch

Everyone, please review the Block Editor handbook for any issues that remain.

I just have to (locally) test redirects from the legacy handbook. Once the manifest gets merged into master and the green light is given, I'll update the handbook's manifest source and enable redirects, which should resolve this task.

#23 @oandregal
6 years ago

Tested the issues reported and reviewed randomly the DevHub's block editor. Everything looks fine. Let's ship this to users @coffee2code !

Note that there are two intermediate steps:

1.1. DevHub is updated to use the manifest-devhub.json in Gutenberg's master branch.
1.2. can be deleted at this point.

#24 @oandregal
6 years ago has been merged into master. It's now safe to proceed with step 1.1.

#25 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8790:

Developer: Switch Block Editor handbook manifest source file to the one merged into the Gutenberg docs GitHub master branch.

Props chrisvanpatten, nosolosw.
See #4388.

#26 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8791:

Developer: Make Block Editor handbook available to all visitors.

Also move its front page block to the third position.

See #4388.

#27 @coffee2code
6 years ago

In 8792:

Gutenberg theme: Change front page links to handbook to point to Block Editor handbook in DevHub.

See #4388.

#28 @coffee2code
6 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from accepted to closed

In 8793:

Gutenberg theme: Redirect handbook pages to the new Block Editor handbook in DevHub.

Fixes #4388.

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