
Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#5094 closed enhancement (worksforme)

New .org subdomain to allow for iteration and testing of a remedial program for theme authors

Reported by: carike's profile carike Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Theme Review Keywords:


The Problem:

  • The theme queue is currently over 4 months long;
  • There are only a small number of people reviewing themes;
  • A number of theme reviewers seem to be experiencing burn-out, primarily because the same types of issues seem to re-occur and because there is often an extensive debate between the theme author and the reviewer about the interpretation of the Guidelines / whether items are required or recommended.
  • 18% of themes over the period analyzed were closed due to licensing issues.

Although this is not the only reason for theme closures, it is likely one of the easiest wins possible.

The Constraints:

  • There are a small number of theme reviewers and the theme team representatives are unlikely to be sponsored and have limited time available.

The Proposed Solution:

  • We would like to run a remedial program for theme authors.
  • In order not to create unnecessary barriers to entry for theme authors, we do NOT propose that all theme authors be required to complete the modules before being able to submit a theme to Trac.
  • Instead, we propose that a theme's reviewer, or a theme team representative, be able to enroll a theme author into a module once an issue is identified in a theme they have submitted to the WordPress theme directory.
  • Until such time as the module has been successfully completed, the theme author will not be able to upload a new theme / new version of a theme.
  • The modules are intended to be highly practical.
  • We plan to use mini case studies.
  • Questions will be in the form of multiple choice questions, so that they can be fully automated.
  • Questions will use checkboxes, as multiple answers could be correct.
  • The remedial modules are intended to focus on the requirements / recommendations of the TRT, not on general principles which are open to wider interpretation.

What Is Needed:

  • We need a new subdomain in order to iterate and test the remedial program.
  • .org users should to be able to log in to the subdomain using their credentials.
  • The subdomain will save a user_meta value (0 / 1) for each user, with 0 / FALSE indicating that a user is not currently enrolled in a remedial module and 1 / TRUE meaning that the user is currently enrolled in a remedial module (and have not completed it yet) and should not be able to upload a new theme / new version of a theme.
  • The Theme Trac / Theme Admin Area should be able to query the subdomain for this value and the function which allows authors to upload should be wrapped in a check of this value.

This proposal was discussed during a TRT meeting on Slack on 10 March 2020.
4 Team Reps were present.
There were no objections raised to creating a Proof of Concept / meta ticket.
The idea received explicit support from some Reps and reviewers.

Change History (7)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by carike. View the logs.

5 years ago

#2 @dd32
5 years ago

Perhaps a first step could be to put together a set of questions, and propose it to be added to as an optional thing that theme authors can complete.

Once that's done, and it's proving valuable, it could be added as a pre-requisite for all authors to complete it?

#3 follow-up: @carike
5 years ago

Hallo @dd32,

it could be added as a pre-requisite for all authors to complete it?

The intention is not to require all authors to complete it as outlined here :)

In order not to create unnecessary barriers to entry for theme authors, we do NOT propose that all theme authors be required to complete the modules before being able to submit a theme to Trac.
Instead, we propose that a theme's reviewer, or a theme team representative, be able to enroll a theme author into a module once an issue is identified in a theme they have submitted to the WordPress theme directory.

We did consider a collaboration on the training subdomain (, but that subdomain is highly unlikely to be ready for something like this for at least 6 months and more likely a year or more.

The Contributor Training page you suggested could work for creating a Proof of Concept though.

Would you mind outlining / linking to the process to create a new course, with new lessons and new questions on
Does that require a meta ticket, or is there another process?
Posting all of the correct answers in a meta ticket doesn't seem like the best idea :seenoevil:

Last edited 5 years ago by carike (previous) (diff)

#4 in reply to: ↑ 3 @dd32
5 years ago

Replying to carike:

it could be added as a pre-requisite for all authors to complete it?

The intention is not to require all authors to complete it as outlined here :)

I'm quite aware of the intentions, and I was trying to refocus it in a manner which IMHO is nicer and more generic. That doesn't fit very well with wanting to improve the overall theme quality, rather it feels like a judgement and penalty on specific people which I personally like to avoid (But I know is your intention).

The Contributor Training page you suggested could work for creating a Proof of Concept though.

If you would only consider it to be a PoC then I don't think it's worth looking into.

Would you mind outlining / linking to the process to create a new course, with new lessons and new questions on
Does that require a meta ticket, or is there another process?

It's based on Sensei, and there isn't a process in place yet to add a new lesson plan there. @hlashbrooke might be the best person to speak to though.

Posting all of the correct answers in a meta ticket doesn't seem like the best idea :seenoevil:

You'll never be able to hide the correct answers, infact, just the opposite, the moment you put anything together you'll have guides being made which explain how to pass the "test". There's no way around that.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by dingo_d. View the logs.

5 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by carike. View the logs.

5 years ago

#7 @carike
5 years ago

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

Closing this ticket, as the content will be made available on /contributor-training/ as per @dd32's suggestion.
Thanks :)

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