
Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#5622 new enhancement

When a non PTE or GTE suggests an already present string, he cannot reject his own string directly

Reported by: psmits1567's profile psmits1567 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: General Keywords: needs-design


If a translator has suggested a string and wants to improve that string, but there is already the same string present, the translator cannot reject his new suggestion. He first needs to confirm the error about the existing string, then if he selects "reject" gets the next warning "Translation changed" which he need to confirm. Then go out of the edit screen and go in again to "reject".
This also creates confusing data within the database. After the message that the translation already exists it should be possible to reject his own string.

Attachments (8)

Suggest.JPG (124.1 KB) - added by psmits1567 4 years ago.
Reject.JPG (119.1 KB) - added by psmits1567 4 years ago.
Result reject.JPG (94.6 KB) - added by psmits1567 4 years ago.
Rejected result1.JPG (68.9 KB) - added by psmits1567 4 years ago.
Rejected result2.JPG (53.7 KB) - added by psmits1567 4 years ago.
Uitbetaling1.JPG (40.2 KB) - added by psmits1567 4 years ago.
Uitbetaling2.JPG (61.1 KB) - added by psmits1567 4 years ago.
Uitbetaling3.JPG (72.0 KB) - added by psmits1567 4 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

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