
Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#6681 new defect (bug)

Profiles: Wrong encoding in profile info (take 2)

Reported by: sergeybiryukov's profile SergeyBiryukov Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Profiles Keywords:

Description (last modified by SergeyBiryukov)

Previously: #354, #2026, #2451.

A moderator reported on the forums that their name has recently changed by itself from Юрий to Юрий. Resaving the profile fixes it for a while, but it happened twice in the last month, so they've updated the name to not include any Cyrillic characters for now.

Occasional bugs like this can be hard to reproduce, so this might well be a worksforme, but maybe there is an underlying database or caching issue we could keep an eye on?

Change History (7)

#1 @SergeyBiryukov
2 years ago

  • Description modified (diff)

#2 follow-ups: @dd32
2 years ago

It looks like this issue happened on 2023-01-06, some audit logs included below (@yube FYI; I don't think this is anything sensitive). The timestamps included are not the actual timestamps, just included for reference of timeline.

The first update on the 6th is the auto-grant of bbp_participant in the forums, and the next two on is granting of elevated HelpHub permissions.. but you can see that there was corruption in the name back and forth a bit.. I suspect this might be a case where some code is still trying to set the DB connection charset.. or something in bbPress/WordPress around charsets..

Prev Login Юрий logged in
2023-01-06 01:00:01 Юрий's profile was updated (
2023-01-06 02:00:02 Юрий's role was changed from ... to ... (
2023-01-06 02:00:02 Юрий's profile was updated (
Next Login Юрий logged in
Next Login Юрий logged in

The flip-flopping of the data suggests the DB values were likely unchanged and it was just bad data in the cache or being read incorrectly.

@yube Do you recall interacting with any wp-admin pages or any,, profiles?

Last edited 2 years ago by dd32 (previous) (diff)

#3 in reply to: ↑ 2 ; follow-up: @gudrunfeldkamp
2 years ago


The problem appeared 6 weeks ago, I've been trying to ge help since.I did the update in the hope that that would somehow fix the problem.

The words ' is granting of elevated HelpHub'are too technical to comprehend, what do you mean? Do i need to know?

You write: 'DB connection charset.. or something in bbPress/WordPress around charsets..' - is that what is causing the problem? I don't know the meaning of those words but I need to fix this problem and would very much like to try whatever to ge my site back to working order.

What can I do?

Replying to dd32:

It looks like this issue happened on 2023-01-06, some audit logs included below (@yube FYI; I don't think this is anything sensitive). The timestamps included are not the actual timestamps, just included for reference of timeline.

The first update on the 6th is the auto-grant of bbp_participant in the forums, and the next two on is granting of elevated HelpHub permissions.. but you can see that there was corruption in the name back and forth a bit.. I suspect this might be a case where some code is still trying to set the DB connection charset.. or something in bbPress/WordPress around charsets..

Prev Login Юрий logged in
2023-01-06 01:00:01 Юрий's profile was updated (
2023-01-06 02:00:02 Юрий's role was changed from ... to ... (
2023-01-06 02:00:02 Юрий's profile was updated (
Next Login Юрий logged in
Next Login Юрий logged in

The flip-flopping of the data suggests the DB values were likely unchanged and it was just bad data in the cache or being read incorrectly.

@yube Do you recall interacting with any wp-admin pages or any,, profiles?

#4 @fierevere
2 years ago

The words ' is granting of elevated HelpHub'are too technical to comprehend, what do you mean? Do i need to know?

As Dion is able to see, there is no HelpHub role assigned for @yube, also i doubt that he interacted with other sites than (+/support/) or codex.

#5 in reply to: ↑ 2 ; follow-up: @YuBe
2 years ago

Replying to dd32:

@yube Do you recall interacting with any wp-admin pages or any,, profiles?

No. Forum only.

#6 in reply to: ↑ 3 @dd32
2 years ago

Replying to gudrunfeldkamp:

The problem appeared 6 weeks ago, I've been trying to ge help since.I did the update in the hope that that would somehow fix the problem.

Hi @gudrunfeldkamp

This issue is unrelated to your previously created tickets seeking support from WordPress.

It looks like you previously created a meta.trac ticket that was automatically deleted that was previously using the Ticket ID #6681. I've responded on your duplicate Core Ticket

#7 in reply to: ↑ 5 @dd32
2 years ago

Replying to YuBe:

Replying to dd32:

@yube Do you recall interacting with any wp-admin pages or any,, profiles?

No. Forum only.

Thank you for the confirmation! That greatly helps determine where the potential issue stems from.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.