
#6965 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)

Design break issue on

Reported by: patelhitesh's profile patelhitesh Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Keywords: needs-patch needs-design-feedback has-screenshots


Please check the below URL:

Inspect the page and set the width to 425px wide. The design not looks good and has been scrolled. Please check the attached screenshot for more details.

Attachments (2)

wptv2.png (381.2 KB) - added by patelhitesh 22 months ago.
Design break issue
Screenshot 2023-05-20 at 12.32.32 PM.png (291.1 KB) - added by naeemhaque 21 months ago.
There are no design break issue like that from my machine.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

22 months ago

Design break issue

21 months ago

There are no design break issue like that from my machine.

#1 @naeemhaque
21 months ago

Hello @patelhitesh ,
I've tasted it from different browsers and different devices also.

  • brave -v1.51.114
  • firefox -v115.0a1
  • chrome -v113.0.5672.126

There are no issues found like that. Everything looks good.
Here is a snapshot of this

Thank you.

#2 @coffee2code
14 months ago

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

I've come to the same conclusion as Naeem above: the issue reported does not appear to be an issue in any of the browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) that I've tried. So either it got fixed in the two and half weeks between the report and Naeem checking things, or it was a temporary issue that resolved itself, or you're running a browser we haven't tested. If it's the later and the issue continues to be an issue for you, feel free to reopen this ticket and provide more information about your browser, OS, and the results from trying other browsers.

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