
Opened 20 months ago

Closed 20 months ago

Last modified 20 months ago

#7059 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

The search bar on /themes/ doesn't work

Reported by: themeeverest's profile themeeverest Owned by: ryelle's profile ryelle
Milestone: Priority: high
Component: Theme Directory Keywords:


I'm not quite sure if this has been reported yet, sorry if it has already - but the search bar on /themes/ in the header doesn't work

I really like the new position though

Change History (5)

#1 @ryelle
20 months ago

  • Component changed from General to Theme Directory
  • Owner set to ryelle
  • Status changed from new to assigned

Thanks for the report, @themeeverest! I see the search filtering correctly as I type a query, but if I hit enter the search page does not load - is that the issue you're seeing?

For example, the page at does not show any results.

I think this is because the search box was removed from these "interior" pages as part of #7036.

#2 @ryelle
20 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

In 12655:

Theme Directory: Bring back search on interior pages.

Follow-up to [12653], this adds the search back to interior pages so that the search results page works. The JS app uses the value inside the search bar to fetch and display search results, so it needs to be on all pages.

Fixes #7059.

#3 @themeeverest
20 months ago

Morning @ryelle !

When I go to /themes/ and search for anything, such as "blog", it adds /search/? to the URL bar, the page then refreshes but nothing happens - the theme list doesn't filter for "blog"

I'm still having the issue this morning

#4 @ryelle
20 months ago

@themeeverest What browser & OS are you using? It should be adding /search/blog/ to the URL as you type, and filtering the themes. If you hit enter it might add a ?, like /search/blog/?, but it should still return themes.

#5 @themeeverest
20 months ago

Hi @ryelle it only adds ? currently, really weird.
I'm on a Macos Monetery and I've tested in Safari/Chrome/Firefox

It adds /themes/? no matter what I write in

On mobile (IOS) it works the first time i search, the second time it doesn't, then the third time it works again

What I mean by that is that it goes like this:
1st: Type blog -> Search -> works as expected
2nd: Type blue -> search -> revert the text to blog and searches for blog again
3rd: Type red -> search -> works as expected

Anyways if I'm the only one having this issue then it could be some local cache or something idk

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