Opened 8 weeks ago
Closed 8 weeks ago
#7861 closed defect (bug) (duplicate)
Footer structure is not consistent on WordPress Codex Page
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Priority: | high | |
Component: | Codex | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
When visiting the Theme Unit Test page on the WordPress Codex website (, the footer content appears broken and misaligned. Instead of rendering correctly, it shows links like "About," "News," "Plugins," etc., stacked vertically against a dark background with no proper styling.
This appears to be a CSS issue where the layout and appearance of the footer are not adhering to the intended design.
Steps to Reproduce:
Scroll to the footer section at the bottom of the page.
Expected Behavior: The footer should display cleanly with appropriate alignment, spacing, and a user-friendly appearance.
Actual Behavior: The footer content is displayed as a vertically stacked list, unstyled, against a dark background.
Duplicate of #6168.