
{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (997 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (601 - 700 of 997)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#7224 Show Component Maintainer / Team Rep status on profile Profiles enhancement new 08/21/2023
#7238 Replace "NSFW" with a "Sensitive Content" Support Forums enhancement new 08/26/2023
#7248 Replace "Patterns" with "Patterns Dir" in Translation Stats Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 09/02/2023
#7259 Add a "Report a vulnerability" button/link to plugin repo pages Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/07/2023
#7269 Add Accessibility Checker plugin to .org sites Site enhancement new 09/11/2023
#7294 Useless link in user profile Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 09/30/2023
#7301 Translate profile settings and profile pages interface Profiles enhancement new 10/12/2023
#7313 Explain that Video titles are limited to 100 characters enhancement new 10/19/2023
#7316 Add Blue Checkmark | Plugin Support Topics Support Forums enhancement new 10/19/2023
#7334 Proposal to Update WordPress Playground URLs and Content Developer Hub enhancement new 10/31/2023
#7337 Enhancement: Create 'allow list' for domains to register on .org Login & Authentication enhancement new 11/01/2023
#7347 Upgrade the es_ES ( sites - database character encoding International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 11/09/2023
#7352 Plugin submission: Improve "Review status" message to authors. Plugin Directory enhancement new 11/22/2023
#7361 DevHub Plugins Team ( Handbook sync Handbooks enhancement new 12/07/2023
#7362 In Responsive view, Too much space in heading section HelpHub ( enhancement new 12/08/2023
#7414 Improve translator section on credits page Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 01/19/2024
#7433 Consider removing logged in block when viewing support forums. Support Forums enhancement new 02/02/2024
#7434 Improve Support Forum side bar. Support Forums enhancement new 02/02/2024
#7452 Plugins: Find a better way to surface plugin features. Plugin Directory enhancement new 02/08/2024
#7455 Confusing experience when I click "forums" in the main site navigation Support Forums enhancement new 02/08/2024
#7465 Plugins: Add interface for requesting plugin categorization in "advanced tab" Plugin Directory enhancement dufresnesteven assigned 02/14/2024
#7487 Feature to help plugin developers create blueprints for previews Plugin Directory enhancement new 02/23/2024
#7499 Show Photo Directory contribution in Activity stream Profiles enhancement new 02/29/2024
#7503 Create new 'Also Viewing' block and deprecate jQuery version Support Forums enhancement new 03/03/2024
#7510 Contextual Search in Translation Consistency Tool Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 03/09/2024
#7524 Update Full Site Editing Tag for block themes Theme Directory enhancement new 03/20/2024
#7530 More relevant block editor handbook search Developer Hub enhancement new 03/25/2024
#7555 Plugins: Please split long rejection letters into one paragraph per string Plugin Directory enhancement new 04/04/2024
#7556 Run PCP function to test plugin in plugin submission process Plugin Directory enhancement new 04/04/2024
#7558 Swahili /support and /team International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement tobifjellner accepted 04/08/2024
#7576 Plugin/Theme Developer badges should be persistent Profiles enhancement new 04/12/2024
#7577 Discussion: Plugin name length, readability and consistency. Plugin Directory enhancement new 04/12/2024
#7578 Code Refinement for Improved Efficiency enhancement new 04/12/2024
#7581 Update PHP security recommendation Site enhancement new 04/13/2024
#7630 "Views" widget missing in Theme's and Plugin's forum views Support Forums enhancement new 05/07/2024
#7633 Create possibility for locale teams to "stick a note" on their front page International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 05/09/2024
#7637 create documentation page for Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement assigned 05/13/2024
#7644 Add "Plugin Name" from plugin file to API response Plugin Directory enhancement new 05/17/2024
#7650 Improve text and links about Trac notifications and preferences Trac enhancement new 05/22/2024
#7713 Add banner on the themes archive when a search is done for accessibility ready to add context on what this designation means Theme Directory enhancement new 07/11/2024
#7714 Add informational section on the theme single for themes with Accessibility Ready tag describing what that means Theme Directory enhancement new 07/11/2024
#7715 Add accessibility information section on theme single in Theme Directory Theme Directory enhancement new 07/11/2024
#7748 Add Approve button to Categories: in the Submitted video section enhancement new 08/16/2024
#7752 Add a link for "reports replied to" Support Forums enhancement new 08/22/2024
#7756 Closed plugin not really closed Plugin Directory enhancement new 08/26/2024
#7757 Make a smaller content box Photo Directory enhancement coffee2code reopened 08/26/2024
#7759 Ability to report a photo Photo Directory enhancement new 08/29/2024
#7760 Change Blocks Listing Design for better experience Plugin Directory enhancement new 08/30/2024
#7773 Lowercase all tags Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/13/2024
#7778 Integrate Plugin Check into plugin submissions Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/18/2024
#7782 Add block-variation detection Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/22/2024
#7800 Information about the (green) hosting of Site enhancement new 10/11/2024
#7801 Plugin submission: Improve "Waiting time" message, Plugin Directory enhancement new 10/12/2024
#7805 Add Screenshot Upload to forums Support Forums enhancement new 10/15/2024
#7816 Display a special banner for very old, obsolete plugins Plugin Directory enhancement new 10/30/2024
#7817 Add OperaGX to the list of permitted browsers Browse Happy enhancement new 11/01/2024
#7854 Add Javascript validation to Photo Directory submissions Photo Directory enhancement new 12/12/2024
#7867 New User Checks: If someone is registering from a WordCamp/Event site, don't be as aggressive on checks Profiles enhancement new 12/20/2024
#7879 The page content needs update. Site enhancement new 01/06/2025
#7882 Users Can Unknowingly Subscribe to Plugin Developer Updates Plugin Directory enhancement new 01/07/2025
#7883 Disable membership requests Profiles enhancement new 01/08/2025
#3845 Linting for Plugin Submissions + Filters for Plugin Directory Searching Plugin Directory feature request new 09/28/2018
#3937 Feature request: Add standardized field for git/svn repo on plugin pages Plugin Directory feature request new 11/20/2018
#4555 Plugin Directory Administration: Mass Email Tool Plugin Directory feature request dd32 accepted 06/26/2019
#5326 Adding a tag Free / Freemium Plugin Directory feature request new 07/21/2020
#5484 Add a "Tag and release" button Plugin Directory feature request new 10/26/2020
#5509 Notify users of changes to plugin ownership Plugin Directory feature request new 11/16/2020
#5895 Add markdown validation to the readme validator Plugin Directory feature request new 09/10/2021
#5926 Dynamic Share Image for Plugins, Themes, Blocks, and Patterns Plugin Directory feature request new 10/12/2021
#6086 Allow ZIP Uploads for plugin updates Plugin Directory feature request new 02/07/2022
#6217 Ability to report a photo Photo Directory feature request new 03/25/2022
#6275 Flag files as optional in Plugin Checksums Plugin Directory feature request new 04/14/2022
#6328 Provide no-content versions of betas, RCs, and nightlies Site feature request new 05/25/2022
#6342 Set a toggle in profile to suppress fetching default and foreign suggestions from Translation memory Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 06/01/2022
#6369 Make the pattern strings easier to translate by making each pattern a "plugin" Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 06/17/2022
#6372 Ability to remove Geolocation EXIF data Photo Directory feature request new 06/22/2022
#6407 Add 301 redirect information to Block Editor Handbook Developer Hub feature request new 07/15/2022
#6410 Automatically grant "Core Performance Contributor" badge based on GitHub contributions Profiles feature request new 07/18/2022
#6431 Restrict Also Viewing to moderators (or add an option to say who can see me) Support Forums feature request new 08/04/2022
#6473 It will be great if 'Contribution History' items are linked Profiles feature request new 09/06/2022
#6485 Allow GTE's to manually release language pack for project Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 09/14/2022
#6508 Make Report 27 dynamic Trac feature request new 09/28/2022
#6534 Add option to delete or request to delete photo Photo Directory feature request new 10/12/2022
#6549 Add notifications for Publish/reject of video submissions feature request new 10/24/2022
#6556 Consider allowing Make teams to create block patterns HelpHub ( feature request new 10/31/2022
#6561 Polyglots: Favorite plugins/themes, and tracking Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 11/02/2022
#6606 Moving a repo (Canonical plugin) to the WordPress GitHub General feature request new 11/30/2022
#6734 Configurable welcome email automatically sent to new translators Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 02/06/2023
#6756 Add a copy to clipboard button to code blocks Make (Get Involved) / P2 feature request tellyworth reviewing 02/14/2023
#6797 Add an ability to translate strings for exact post/page/article Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 02/23/2023
#6810 Provide an API endpoint to fetch theme checksums Theme Directory feature request new 02/27/2023
#6843 Create field for tag input Photo Directory feature request new 03/09/2023
#6909 Internal Messaging Between Users (and how to gate it) Profiles feature request new 03/31/2023
#6912 Simplify the navigation menu Photo Directory feature request new 04/03/2023
#6951 Creating Podcast feeds for feature request new 04/25/2023
#6957 Plugin Directory: Close plugins with no data Plugin Directory feature request new 04/26/2023
#6973 Pattern Stats Top 100 Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 05/07/2023
#6976 Sync your ⇿ profile Profiles feature request new 05/08/2023
#7055 Allow filtering of the WordPress profile activity stream Profiles feature request new 06/13/2023
#7064 Reviews: Change from "forever editable" to "threaded" Support Forums feature request new 06/14/2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.