
{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (1000 matches)

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Results (801 - 900 of 1000)

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Active Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#3445 Link to comment hash not working on mobile Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 02/12/2018
#1608 Trac: Enhance uploading attachments Trac enhancement new 02/29/2016
#1629 Create archives for popular and recent videos and link to them from home page sections enhancement new 03/13/2016
#2082 Enable revisions on the front end for DevHub/HelpHub/Handbook pages HelpHub ( enhancement new 09/27/2016
#2122 Introduce "watch later" functionality enhancement new 10/09/2016
#2129 forum profiles should have a link to the profile enhancement new 10/11/2016
#2197 Show reviews on the user profile page Profiles enhancement new 11/02/2016
#2207 GTEs should be able to mark PTE requests as resolved Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 11/03/2016
#2264 Change the default Twitter account in Rosetta local sites at .org International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 11/23/2016
#2312 Automate theme reviewer badges Profiles enhancement new 12/06/2016
#2335 Automatically assign user set as admin for a new forum as a key master International Forums enhancement reopened 12/18/2016
#2431 Create a public facing page to list all current external libraries Developer Hub enhancement new 01/24/2017
#2531 Broken link to mailing list on bbPress Trac Mailing Lists enhancement new 02/23/2017
#2596 Add Default Text in Support form as a Template for Asking Good Support Questions Support Forums enhancement new 03/22/2017
#2666 Support Forums: Expose and enhance global plugin author views Support Forums enhancement new 03/31/2017
#2797 Plugins: Suggest related plugins when the current plugin hasn't been updated in two years Plugin Directory enhancement reopened 04/29/2017
#2843 Slack: Add ?support Slackbot auto-response Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) enhancement new 05/31/2017
#2847 allow filtering of @since tax archive by the type of change Developer Hub enhancement new 06/02/2017
#2884 Send notification if review is edited Support Forums enhancement new 06/19/2017
#2902 Add PHPCS to theme upload process Theme Review enhancement new 06/27/2017
#2947 Allow uploading and embedding of video files to Trac Trac enhancement new 07/10/2017
#2998 Show nearby events in dashboard events widget in a per country basis Events API enhancement new 07/25/2017
#3026 Access to WP-CLI profile badge management Profiles enhancement new 08/06/2017
#3037 Show the views of the video enhancement new 08/10/2017
#3063 Show JavaScript documentation on Developer Hub enhancement new 08/22/2017
#3102 Notification on new strings on GlotPress via Slack Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 09/05/2017
#3158 Advanced Search Filtering Keywords Developer Hub enhancement new 09/22/2017
#3164 Plugin Readme Standard > Update Markdown formatting Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/26/2017
#3178 Add user-friendly explanations of current workflow keywords on a ticket Trac enhancement new 10/03/2017
#3187 Support Forums: Ajaxify topic status dropdown Support Forums enhancement new 10/09/2017
#3191 Plugin Directory Admin: Renaming Plugins Should be More Ajaxy Plugin Directory enhancement new 10/11/2017
#3240 Add speaker's social media handle to video link enhancement new 11/01/2017
#3267 Onboarding for Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 11/15/2017
#3281 Improve login information for existing users on make/chat Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) enhancement new 11/21/2017
#3329 Add filter to on Plugins/Themes listing to order by last activity date Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 12/13/2017
#3429 Plugin Support: integrate plugin version and add topic type Support Forums enhancement new 02/07/2018
#3459 Update good-first-bugs auto-claiming process Trac enhancement new 02/15/2018
#3476 Kilometers range for the nearest meetup Events API enhancement new 02/21/2018
#3489 Tuning plugins/themes for mentioning translators Plugin Directory enhancement new 02/28/2018
#3505 Allow plugin/theme reps to respond to reviews at any time Support Forums enhancement new 03/11/2018
#3126 Show whether plugins include WP-CLI commands Plugin Directory feature request new 09/12/2017
#3236 Allow for beta channels for plugins and themes Plugin Directory feature request new 10/30/2017
#3423 Add new functionality for editor/locale requests Translate Site & Plugins task (blessed) new 02/06/2018
#4404 Plugins with few support threads penalized in search results. Plugin Directory Improved Search defect (bug) new 04/25/2019
#5231 Increase visibility of "old" plugins in Search Indexes Plugin Directory Improved Search defect (bug) new 05/26/2020
#5773 Change search algorithm in themes page Theme Directory Improved Search defect (bug) new 06/12/2021
#7648 Stop weighing active installations in plugin search heavily Plugin Directory Improved Search defect (bug) new 05/21/2024
#1455 Surfacing Related Content on WPTV Improved Search enhancement new 12/10/2015
#2416 Plugin Search Should Autocorrect when few results Plugin Directory Improved Search enhancement new 01/20/2017
#2424 Add text of reviews to plugin search to improve search Plugin Directory Improved Search enhancement new 01/23/2017
#2686 Plugin Search: Search should also take into account the number of ratings Plugin Directory Improved Search enhancement new 04/05/2017
#3014 Plugins: Translate all plugin readmes with Google Translate Translate Site & Plugins Improved Search enhancement new 08/01/2017
#3338 Plugin author search doesn't return relevant results Plugin Directory Improved Search enhancement new 12/15/2017
#4880 Search result on themes should be based on rating and active install Theme Directory Improved Search enhancement new 11/29/2019
#2754 Plugin directory search highlighting Plugin Directory Improved Search feature request reopened 04/19/2017
#7762 Allow user to filter his own topics on a plugin or theme forum on Support Forums Improved Search feature request new 08/31/2024
#3263 Zips for deleted plugin tags not deleted Plugin Directory Plugin Directory v3 - Future defect (bug) reviewing 11/12/2017
#2490 Forums should have a way to search for posts made by a particular user Support Forums Q1 defect (bug) new 02/09/2017
#7721 Footer overlaps content on developer resource Developer Hub Q1 defect (bug) new 07/16/2024
#649 Link to handbook for trac should be on the edit trac box Trac Q1 enhancement new 10/10/2014
#2008 and activity should appear on profiles Profiles Q1 enhancement new 09/09/2016
#2214 Forums: Automate Support badges Support Forums Q1 enhancement new 11/07/2016
#2224 Support Theme: Custom Display for Plugin/Theme reviews Support Forums Q1 enhancement new 11/10/2016
#6733 Notifications channel for Community team on Slack (for Github and other updates) Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) Q1 enhancement reopened 02/06/2023
#3069 Plugin Directory: Add dates to Changelog section in readme.txt example Plugin Directory Q2 feature request reopened 08/25/2017
#1077 Fix anchors in the bbPress & BuddyPress Codex theme so that anchors are not behind the toolbar defect (bug) assigned 06/09/2015
#3881 Handbooks: warn if user is modifying page and causing status change from published to pending Handbooks defect (bug) new 10/22/2018
#3962 Tracbot: Delete slack posts when the related trac ticket is deleted. Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) defect (bug) new 11/27/2018
#4649 Remove content hiding mechanism on Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) reopened 08/01/2019
#4683 Make / Polyglots locale filters International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#4684 Trac 'reports' crawl and indexing controls Trac defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#4744 Promote local WordCamp on a Rosetta site by showing a banner International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 09/25/2019
#5251 Faulty links redirect to random pages HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 06/04/2020
#5359 Misc 404s / broken links should be 301'd and/or corrected General defect (bug) new 08/06/2020
#5363 Upgrade Markdown library Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 08/10/2020
#5381 Prevent broken internal links in plugin readme content Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 08/20/2020
#5523 Noindex archives defect (bug) new 12/03/2020
#5621 Don't warn on numbered placeholders <=> non-numbered placeholders Translate Site & Plugins defect (bug) new 02/17/2021
#5661 Standardise Rosetta homepage pre-footers Showcase defect (bug) new 03/15/2021
#5724 Slack: /here command strips out hyperlinked text Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) defect (bug) new 04/30/2021
#5755 Support Change Password UI needs work Support Forums defect (bug) new 05/28/2021
#5807 images shouldn't use and similar Showcase defect (bug) new 07/05/2021
#6108 Add automated guideline checks and constant feedback to plugin authors about it Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 02/16/2022
#6370 Header & Footer broken on Plugins Trac Trac defect (bug) new 06/20/2022
#6602 Comment previews can be inaccurate when they contain back slashes. Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 11/28/2022
#6706 site's footer and header container size does not the same. defect (bug) new 01/24/2023
#6748 Content overflow issue in the Get Involved section WordCamp Site & Plugins defect (bug) new 02/10/2023
#6768 Investigate broken 'jobs page' URLs Site defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#6773 Remove interstitial tags redirect Site defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#6926 Paragraph and Image are aligned inline HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 04/07/2023
#6967 Unwanted console error of 'ajax' Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 05/02/2023
#7496 In news Details pages, link on email social button goes blank. Site defect (bug) new 02/29/2024
#7643 Follow Button not working properly Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 05/17/2024
#7668 Broken link to VVV howto Handbooks defect (bug) new 06/08/2024
#7698 In Responsive view, input box is going out of screen(not proper layout) Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 07/04/2024
#7781 Validate the 'Requires' plugin header. Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 09/20/2024
#7890 Button alignment issue on the submit plugin page. Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 01/22/2025
#7897 The tooltip is being partially hidden or cut off at the top. Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 01/31/2025
#314 Opt-out of getting email notifications for Trac comments I leave Trac enhancement reopened 02/06/2014
#871 Inactive Profiles Need a Better Design Profiles enhancement reopened 02/16/2015
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.