
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7901 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (2301 - 2400 of 7901)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#5584 slack block users from Iran Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 09/01/2021
#5583 Convert incorrect usage of "email" i Czech translations Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) low dd32 03/29/2021
#5582 Facilitate embedded videos in for plugin directory page Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement normal 10/06/2021
#5581 Consolidating setup of local Dev environment documentation and testing instructions. General new task (blessed) normal 04/01/2022
#5580 New meeting times for documentation team Site closed fixed defect (bug) normal 01/19/2021
#5579 TemplateNotFound: Template "macros.html" not found Trac closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 01/18/2021
#5578 Profiles should not display details for banned users Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/18/2021
#5577 Support Forums: Topic indicator hides first letter of the title on mobile devices Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/19/2021
#5576 Automatically reject previous pending translation from same user Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 06/29/2022
#5575 Plugin Directory: Banned Users should not be able to upload plugins Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/16/2021
#5574 Banned Users are NOT being logged out General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 01/14/2021
#5573 "anonymized" users should be blocked to prevent use General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 01/14/2021
#5572 Plugin FAQ anchor links get broken when used in a forum post Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/20/2021
#5571 PoC - Redirections for Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed duplicate enhancement normal 01/13/2021
#5570 Plugins API - inconsistent results for short_description if being trimmed. Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 06/14/2023
#5569 rest api not returns all information about some embedded objects of post General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 01/11/2021
#5568 Plugin Directory: Do not display author names if there are no committers Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 03/10/2021
#5567 Adapt the page title on filtered plugin review archives Support Forums new defect (bug) lowest 02/23/2021
#5566 Plugin search feed URLs should 404 Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/11/2021
#5565 Plugin Directory: Adding abused term Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Ipstenu 01/07/2021
#5564 secret-key service output does not follow coding standards API closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/11/2022
#5563 I a translation file is imported that contains wrong placeholders the line is not rejected. Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement normal 05/06/2021
#5562 Events: Exact city matches fail because of state abbreviations Events API closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/07/2021
#5561 Update voice count after user is blocked Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/07/2023
#5560 Plugin Directory: Update banned-terms, also fixing back check Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Ipstenu 12/29/2020
#5559 Images from CDN are not opening by link after clicking on them in HelpHub articles in attending to zoom them HelpHub ( closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 06/22/2022
#5558 Want to take old WordPress plugin General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 12/24/2020
#5557 Add a hovering button to join slack community in Make Blog Network Make (Get Involved) / P2 new enhancement low 02/03/2021
#5556 Unable to Load Page Site closed invalid defect (bug) normal 09/01/2021
#5555 Introduce deploy keys for SVN Plugin Directory new feature request highest omg bbq 07/05/2024
#5554 Main Theme: Cookies table not responsive Site new defect (bug) normal 08/18/2023
#5553 Change “Plugin Author” label to “Plugin Manager” Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement low 12/18/2020
#5552 Allow mods to hide moderator badge Support Forums new enhancement low 06/13/2023
#5551 Exclude github-actions bot comments from Trac Trac closed fixed enhancement normal 01/11/2021
#5550 Make all importer plugins available on GitHub Version Control closed fixed task (blessed) normal 12/20/2022
#5549 Use a fixed width font for the ticket information in Trac emails Trac closed invalid defect (bug) low 12/16/2020
#5548 A more inclusive commenting policy for P2 Make (Get Involved) / P2 new enhancement normal 12/16/2020
#5547 Show Learn activity on user profiles Profiles closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 12/17/2020
#5546 Update credits API with missing contributor. API closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 12/15/2020
#5545 Add announce to new feature-notifications host Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/12/2021
#5544 The mySQL query / lookup for the lesson plans on Learn is wrong. Learn ( closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/15/2020
#5543 JavaScript error in the theme previewer Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 12/12/2020
#5542 Add a way to convert theme reports to support forum posts Theme Directory new enhancement normal 12/24/2020
#5541 Add the `dev-reviewed` keyword to Trac Trac closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 12/11/2020
#5540 RTL needed for author avatar / dropdown actions / sticky icon on P2/O2 Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement low coffee2code 04/18/2021
#5539 Create an "Ask a Question About WordPress" page General new defect (bug) normal 02/23/2021
#5538 Updates for 5.6 credits API closed fixed task (blessed) normal SergeyBiryukov 12/09/2020
#5537 Impossible to edit a draft article on localized versions of HelpHub HelpHub ( closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 12/11/2020
#5536 Ask for the Plugin or Theme that a support thread belongs to in the Create Topic form Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/05/2023
#5535 Allow moving threads into the Plugin/Theme support forums Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/05/2023
#5534 Add limits to prevent high-triggering notifications General closed fixed defect (bug) high 12/16/2021
#5533 Make blogs rss feed in Feedly shows glossary tooltips inline Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/08/2024
#5532 Erroneous release dates for older versions General closed duplicate defect (bug) lowest 12/07/2020
#5531 Theme Directory: Unexpected redirect for non-existing themes Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/29/2022
#5530 Remove the meta robots noindex directive on the homepage of Login & Authentication closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 02/16/2021
#5529 Alter trac robots.txt Trac new defect (bug) normal 12/03/2020
#5528 Redirect misc broken homepage links General closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 12/08/2020
#5527 "Year" categories on should be deleted closed duplicate defect (bug) lowest 12/03/2020
#5526 Speaker pages on should be noindex'd closed duplicate defect (bug) lowest 12/03/2020
#5525 Search results on should be noindex'd closed duplicate defect (bug) low 12/03/2020
#5524 Remove the 'browse by WordCamp' template component from event archives closed invalid defect (bug) lowest 02/17/2023
#5523 Noindex archives new defect (bug) low 12/03/2020
#5522 Gutenberg Props: WordPress 5.6 Profiles closed invalid task (blessed) high 12/08/2020
#5521 link to codex instead of code reference in the manually curated content on the WP_User_Query entry in the code reference Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/02/2020
#5520 Adding the "enable public preview" feature General closed fixed enhancement normal 12/01/2020
#5519 301 redirects for new titles in HelpHub HelpHub ( new enhancement normal 01/25/2022
#5518 Some strings are absent from po (and mo) files even if they are translated and present on GlotPress Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/24/2020
#5517 contact form broken General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 11/25/2020
#5516 Support forum: Make action links always visible Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 02/18/2023
#5515 Plugin directory: Change layout to "unstretch" header image Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 05/08/2024
#5514 Requests to robots.txt files on wordcamp domains should not redirect WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) high 11/18/2020
#5513 Registered blocks list on plugins README displaying wrong labels. Plugin Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 05/16/2024
#5512 Add VideoObject schema to video pages closed fixed enhancement high 02/17/2023
#5511 New Update API endpoints API closed fixed enhancement normal 04/26/2022
#5510 Translation of the "Topics" string not taken into account in the French handbook Handbooks new defect (bug) normal 06/17/2021
#5509 Notify users of changes to plugin ownership Plugin Directory new feature request normal 03/30/2022
#5508 Glossary: Adding indentical words for different part of speech rejected Translate Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) low 07/05/2021
#5507 Link to the company pledge from a sponsored contributor's profile Five For The Future closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 11/13/2020
#5506 Add version validation to Release tooling Site new defect (bug) normal 06/02/2021
#5505 Handle subscriptions better Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal 02/18/2022
#5504 Allow uploading block-based themes Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 01/10/2024
#5503 Forums: Impossible to spam a reply if the topic is already spammed Support Forums closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 11/18/2020
#5502 Plugin Directory: Readme Validator thinks valid Readme is invalid Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Otto42 11/05/2020
#5501 User Profiles: Audit Log user role changes Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/12/2021
#5500 Remove the current page? Site closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 12/16/2020
#5499 XML sitemaps omit trailing slashes General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) lowest 11/07/2020
#5498 showcase link contains a leading space Showcase closed fixed defect (bug) lowest Otto42 11/04/2020
#5497 Flag threads with 'dofollow' link attributes for spam review Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 11/06/2020
#5496 Hide author for closed plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/17/2024
#5495 Array to string conversion notice when querying multiple post_types General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 11/04/2020
#5494 Make page of closed theme similar to page of closed plugin Theme Directory new enhancement normal 07/25/2024
#5493 English Writing Error in Main Privacy Policy Page Site closed fixed defect (bug) normal garrett-eclipse 02/21/2022
#5492 Rosetta: Expired SSL certificate error when building WordPress packages manually International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 10/29/2020
#5491 Incorrect maximum upload file size on Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/28/2020
#5490 Can't read text code at php coding-standards Site closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 11/04/2020
#5489 <code> Element Very Low Contrast Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 04/09/2021
#5488 WordPress Expert Badge General closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 10/10/2021
#5487 Unpublished (Pending) HelpHub articles should redirect to english version for not editors HelpHub ( new defect (bug) normal 10/26/2020
#5486 Activate setting "user must be logged-in" to comment on rosetta and /team sites International Sites (Rosetta) new task (blessed) normal 10/26/2020
#5485 Include commentator's username in wp-admin Profiles closed fixed enhancement normal 11/19/2021
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.